About Us MEMCO Group

About Us

memco is an engineering construction group, specialized in construction including electrical, mechanical, hvac, irrigation and infrastructural work based in the Middle East. The quality of our service products and their reliable delivery are fundamental to the projection of a culture of excellence and the sustainability of our company. The objective of this management system is to provide a basis for quality and continuing improvement in our standards of performance, levels of service and our products. The implementation in our standards of performance, levels of service and our products. The implementation and ongoing development of the system is the responsibility of all partners, managers and staff.

This experience has been documented within our formal and informal procedures and provides a key contribution to our reputation for achieving quality design and high professional standards. 

The objectives of our formal management system form an integral part of our business plan. Our aims are:

  • To critically assess invitation and tenders for suitability.
  • To establish the project correctly on day one with the right team on the right project with infrastructure clearly identified and planned.
  • To formally review projects at key stages and to confirm that our designs and services meet the project brief whilst ensuring that changes are identified and addressed quickly and effectively.
  • To bring the project to a successful conclusion and critically appraise the project against the clients’ expectations as well as those of our own.
  • To build and project a culture of consistently high quality.
  • To have our professional services seen as being world class.
  • To build an entire project with "zero maintenance" intention.

Our Certificates

Commercial License (Dubai)
Commercial License (Abu Dhabi)
Certificate of Registration - ISO 9001:2015
Certificate of Registration - ISO 14001:2015
Certificate of Registration - OHSAS 18001:2007
AADC Certificate


Company Profile

Organizational Chart

Managing Director
Project Director
Engineering Manager