Sustainability MEMCO Group


memco values health, life and the environment in the same way with its other business objectives. This policy shall be communicated to all levels in the organization and every employee will be encouraged to support and be fully committed to its implementation.
To achieve this policy NHM will:

• Adhere to “ZERO ACCIDENT AND INCIDENT CONCEPT”. Safety is a prerequisite for and totally integrated to any undertaking, operation or activity, regardless of urgency of service. "NO task is so important that one cannot take time to perform it safely".
• Set objectives and targets, key performance indicators and programmer for Occupational Health and Safety and Environmental Performance relative to identified significant aspects & impacts and OHS risks.
• Meet and where appropriate better the requirement of all applicable legislation, regulations, and industry codes of practice and client requirements.
• Monitor, measure and review periodically the company’s activities against the requirement of this policy, company procedures and the sets objectives and performance indicators.
• Periodically review the suitability, adequacy and effectiveness of the HSE management system.
• Ensure that this policy is made available to all employees, subcontractors and other interested parties.
• Educate, train, encourage and motivate employees to carry out activities in a responsible manner in accordance with the requirements of the client, the OHS & Environmental management system and all relevant legislation and approved codes of practice.
• Work proactively with our customers, suppliers and external bodies and any other third parties to achieve the aim of this policy.
• Assess all operational activities and potential changes to identified significant hazards and/or environmental impacts and implemented appropriate measures to ensure that exposure to such risks is maintained as low as reasonable practicable. All are permitted and should be responsible to stop any unsafe and high risk task or job.
• Strive to prevent any incidents, occupational illness or exposures which could cause harm to people and damage to properties and assets and the environment and maintain Emergency Plans to reduce risks and adverse effects.
• Make every effort to PROTECT THE ENVIRONMENT AND PREVENT POLLUTION, to minimize consumption of materials, to promote reuse and recycling of wastes and adopt best practice on waste management.
• Strive to achieve CONTINUAL IMPROVEMENT of the HSE management system and related performance.


Here in memco the management are always looking for the full satisfaction of their customers and are constantly eager to secure their requirements and consider it essential to their work. In addition the company has several objectives and it’s working to achieve them to ensure the continuation of its work at the same pace, including but not limited to:

• Maintaining the quality standards controlled
• Completing their works in a timely manner & appropriately
• Continuous communication channels with customers
• Qualified staffs to assure works are completed on time
• Always keen to develop knowledge in several aspects to maintain quality in works accomplished